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Manifestation video podcast

Recommended Reads

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In no particular order





Quantum Mechanical



The Mind and The Brain

The Mind and The Brain


The Key Muscles of Yoga

The Key Muscles of Yoga


The Witch of Portobello

The Witch of Portobello


Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior

Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior


Sri M

Sri M

A Yogi's Autobiography

Energy Medicine

Energy Medicine

Holistic Health

All kinds of Magic

All kinds of Magic


Anatomy of Hatha Yoga

Anatomy of Hatha Yoga


Trail Guide to the Body

Trail Guide to the Body


The book of Joy

The book of Joy

Waiting for Autum

Waiting for Autum

Vaster than sky Greater than space

Vaster than sky Greater than space

Road to Enlightenment

Wheels of Life

Wheels of Life


Diamond Sutra

Diamond Sutra


the power of now

the power of now

drink play fk

drink play fk

the energy cure

the energy cure

the guru drinks bourbon

the guru drinks bourbon

Choose yourself

Choose yourself

healing with form energy and light

healing with form energy and light

eat pray love

eat pray love

light is the new black

light is the new black

Death to Birth

Death to Birth

Road to Enlightenment

physics of consciousness

physics of consciousness

Messages from the masters

Messages from the masters

Honey and Dust

Honey and Dust

light on life

light on life

the divine matrix

the divine matrix

tao te ching

tao te ching





hidden messages in the water

hidden messages in the water

extremely loud and incredibly close up

extremely loud and incredibly close up

Bhagavad Gita

Bhagavad Gita

how to practice

how to practice

Adi yogi

Adi yogi

way of the peaceful warrior

way of the peaceful warrior



tuning the human biofield

tuning the human biofield

the new becoming a vegetarian

the new becoming a vegetarian

only love is real

only love is real

astral voyages

astral voyages

prior to consciousness

prior to consciousness

the heart of yoga

the heart of yoga

roots of yoga

roots of yoga

enlightened bodies

enlightened bodies

out of your mind

out of your mind


essential reiki

essential reiki

my good friend the rattlesnake

my good friend the rattlesnake



a search in secret india

a search in secret india

the science of the rishis

the science of the rishis

who moved my cheese

who moved my cheese

be as you are

be as you are

the tao of sound

the tao of sound

Healing Light of the Tao

Healing Light of the Tao


behind a thousand names

behind a thousand names

yogiraj sri shama churn lahiree

yogiraj sri shama churn lahiree

the humanure handbook

the humanure handbook

the art of joyful living

the art of joyful living

the yoga tradition

the yoga tradition

black order

black order


Lucid Dreaming - gateway to the inner self

Lucid Dreaming - gateway to the inner self

The Anatomy Coloring Book

The Anatomy Coloring Book




no god but god

no god but god

the celestine prophecy

the celestine prophecy

indigo sun

indigo sun

biology of belief

biology of belief

love everyone

love everyone

Autobiography of a yogi

Autobiography of a yogi

A Yogi's Autobiography

a poet of the invisible world

a poet of the invisible world

Limitless Sky

Limitless Sky

Dreams of Awakening

Dreams of Awakening

the tao of pooh

the tao of pooh

Hell Bent

Hell Bent

The Zul Enigma

The Zul Enigma

polishing the mirror

polishing the mirror

the path of the yoga sutras

the path of the yoga sutras

the holographic universe

the holographic universe

the crazy wisdom of ganesh baba

the crazy wisdom of ganesh baba

this is where i leave you

this is where i leave you

the book of mirdad

the book of mirdad

the untethered soul

the untethered soul

suppressed inventions & other discoveries

suppressed inventions & other discoveries

yoga nidra

yoga nidra



life events

life events

Homicidal Psycho Jungle Cat

Homicidal Psycho Jungle Cat

Play Of Consciousness

Play Of Consciousness

spiritual graffiti

spiritual graffiti

complete book of ayurveda

complete book of ayurveda

yoga therapy for children with autism and special needs

yoga therapy for children with autism and special needs

the book of secrets

the book of secrets


explorers of the infinite

explorers of the infinite

Mind Nutrition

Mind Nutrition

the yoga system of health and relief from tension

the yoga system of health and relief from tension

the journey home

the journey home

Science of Yoga

Science of Yoga


how yoga works

how yoga works

Hiding in the mirror

Hiding in the mirror

The web that has no weaver

The web that has no weaver

The Devine Blueprint

The Devine Blueprint

An Ascension Handbook

An Ascension Handbook

the new rules of posture

the new rules of posture

Past Lives Future Lives

Past Lives Future Lives





Trauma - healing your past to find freedom now

Trauma - healing your past to find freedom now

What is Real?

What is Real?

the snow leopard

the snow leopard

The Quantum Revelation

The Quantum Revelation

Quantum Enigma

Quantum Enigma

Mind to Matter

Mind to Matter



If the oceans were ink

If the oceans were ink

Hypnotizing Maria

Hypnotizing Maria

Telomere Effect

Telomere Effect

Gerson Therapy

Gerson Therapy

Transition Now

Transition Now

Finding Gobi

Finding Gobi

Sakti Sadhana

Sakti Sadhana

Rainwater Harvesting

Rainwater Harvesting

The Secret Teaching of Plants

The Secret Teaching of Plants

Caves of Power

Caves of Power

DNA - the Genetic Revolution

DNA - the Genetic Revolution

Health and Light

Health and Light

Extraordinary studies that show how light effects your health and emotional well being.

Oversoul Seven

Oversoul Seven



Hermetic Philosophy

Death Object

Death Object

Exploding the Nuclear Weapons Hoax



Explore the multidimensionality of the self as the author explores the link between her now and ancient egypt.

Can you catch a cold

Can you catch a cold

Untold History and Human experiments

Dancing with Wather

Dancing with Wather

The new science of water

Stone Medicine

Stone Medicine

A Chinese Medical guide to healing with gems and minerals

Holistic Dental Care

Holistic Dental Care

Complete Guide to Healthy Teeth and Gums

Sneak Peak

Journey the World with Stephanie

a photo diary: My Life, A View from the Toilet!

(coming soon)

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Cochise, Arizona

Maricopa, Arizona

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